The historian in me is obsessed by time and change. The concept of diachronic and the way that language and culture has evolved through time (dia- ‘through’ + Greek khronos ‘time’ + -ic.)
I find the time we live in fascinating. We are sitting on the axis of our material past and the endless possibilities of a virtual and technology-fuelled future. The evolution is often organic and barely perceivable, but other changes stand out as clear markers of this transition. One such change is the reCAPTCHA, a system designed to establish that a computer user is human and not another computer system before authorising interaction.
The Attest you are human series looks for the humorous, profound and ironic at the point in human evolution where we have to confirm our humanity to machines. The series explores the possible play on the words and multiple interpretations of the request to ‘attest you are human’ as well as the randomness associated with a reverse Turing Test who's method of evaluating humanity is the selection of nine images containing signs, cars, lampposts, shopfronts and bridges.